How can organisations thrive in a complex world of risk?
How can global business leaders deliver on ambitions of growth and reinvention?
In his latest blog, Boyden Taiwan and South Korea Managing Partner William Farrell talks about the art of the virtual interview.
In response to questions and comments, William Farrell has added to his Board Governance blog series. This time he looks at the value of term limits for NEDs and offers ideas on how to run effective board meetings.
In the last of its series, William Farrell, Managing Partner - Taiwan and South Korea, discusses at length how "The Board advises and the CEO manages"
Having risen to the COVID-19 challenge and reaped financial gains, firms could invest in R&D and grow their share in the global biotechnology market.
The fundamentals of how boards work
Bill Farrell, Managing Partner Taiwan and South Korea, talks learnings and action needed for a successful board and company in today's world.