Boyden Report Series

Decoding Tech Trends and Leadership in the Digital Age

Technology Report 2024: Analyzing markets, studies, and trends reshaping business with expert insights from Boyden's Global Technology Practice Members

Technologies on the Horizon

The Digital Automobile

"The convergence of tech and automotive industries is revolutionizing the sector, with cross-industry partnerships driving the shift towards software-defined vehicles. However, according to an EY study, over half of these partnerships in the automotive industry fail. While cross-industry partnerships have enormous potential for creating new value, they also bring significant challenges that must be overcome for success. Achieving this requires a shared vision, clear responsibilities, and effective governance mechanisms and resources."

Jutta Menzenbach
Managing Partner, Germany
Global Practice Co-Leader, Industrial Practice
Global Sector Leader, Automotive



The Metaverse

“Is the Metaverse more akin to Elvis, Disney World and Star Trek that changed our culture, or more like the, telephone, mainframe computer and video conferencing that changed our way of work, or like the PC, iPhone and EVs, which are changing both.

The story is yet to be written but odds are the journey will be tumultuous, meandering, eventful and exciting – maybe all at the same time.  Stay tuned as we all live it and learn.”  

Rick Wargo
Partner, U.S.
Global Practice Leader, Technology Practice



Quantum Computing

“Some believe the automobile replaced the horse and buggy.  It did not.  It replaced living your whole life within 50 miles of where you were born.

Some believe the electric light bulb replaced the gas lamp.  It did not.  It replaced going to sleep with the chickens when it gets dark.

Some believe the microchip replaced mainframes and punched cards,  It did not. It replaced the need for people to travel to technology versus having technology travel with them.

What will Quantum Computing replace?” … Inquiring minds want to know.”

Rick Wargo
Partner, U.S.
Global Practice Leader, Technology Practice


Quick links to next sections of Boyden Technology Report:

> Section 4: Talent Trends and Leadership Solution in a Digital Age 

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