Think culture fit is your golden ticket? Think again! 85% of CEOs believe diversity fuels innovation, and companies with diverse management have 19% higher revenue.

By Adrian von Dewall
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I've witnessed countless debates around the best hiring strategies. The age-old wisdom touted 'culture fit' as the holy grail - ensuring a seamless integration of a new executive into a well-oiled corporate machine. But what if I told you that the holy grail might just be the wrong cup to drink from in today’s rapidly evolving market landscape?

Why Culture Fit Isn't Enough Anymore

Let’s imagine for a moment: You’re at a vibrant dinner party in the heart of Berlin. The table is set with a variety of guests, each bringing their own stories, flavours, and zest to the evening. Now, if everyone ordered the same dish, wouldn't that be a tad boring? Similarly, hiring for culture fit can sometimes feel like sticking to the same old menu. Comfortable? Yes. Likely to stir up exciting new ideas? Not so much.

In sectors like healthcare and technology where the pace of innovation is nothing short of breakneck, bringing in people who "fit in" just doesn’t cut it anymore. We need people who bring something new to the table - let’s call them the 'culture adds.' These are the folks who challenge the status quo, ask the hard questions, and add a dash of unexpected flavour that could lead to the next big breakthrough.

Embracing Culture Add: Real-World Examples

Take, for example, a recent placement at a leading automotive firm looking to pivot into electric vehicles. The candidate was a brilliant mind from the renewable energy sector with zero background in automotive. A classic misfit? Perhaps. But within months, his fresh perspectives bridged gaps they didn't even know existed and accelerated their electric dreams into actions faster than anticipated.

Or consider the story of a mid-sized biotech firm specialising in neurodegenerative diseases. They brought in a Head of R&D from the fintech sector, of all places. Crazy, right? But her expertise in data analytics transformed how the firm approached drug trials, bringing new efficiencies and insights that traditional paths might have missed.

How to Cultivate a Culture Add Mindset

  1. Define What Matters: It’s crucial to articulate what core values and mission your organisation holds dear, but also to be open about how these can be broadened or enhanced.
  2. Diversify the Search: Extend beyond the usual suspects. Look for candidates with diverse experiences and backgrounds who can complement and enhance the existing team dynamics.
  3. Assess Impact Potential: During interviews, focus on how a candidate's unique experiences and viewpoints might contribute new solutions to old problems.
  4. Encourage Healthy Friction: A bit of friction in thought and approach can ignite the kind of creative sparks that standard conformity can’t.

The Takeaway

As we gear up to face the challenges of tomorrow, let’s shift our focus from fitting into the corporate culture to adding to it. After all, the future doesn't need more of the same. It needs difference, it needs diversity, and above all, it needs a dash of unexpected spice.

So, here’s to the mavericks, the oddballs, and the eccentrics. In the complex puzzle of executive search, they might just be the pieces we didn’t know we were missing.

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