Findings from Boyden’s Global Executive Survey and the EY Belonging Barometer 3.0 offer critical insights into the changing dynamics of leadership, pivotal for thriving in the intricate landscape of contemporary business. These studies illuminate the essential attributes and approaches that define successful leadership in an era marked by complexity and rapid change.

By Adrian von Dewall
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Originally appeared on LinkedIn

As an executive search partner, I’ve always been fascinated by the evolving dynamics of leadership and how they shape our organisations. This year, the insights from Boyden's Global Executive Survey and the EY Belonging Barometer 3.0 particularly resonate with me. They mirror the conversations I’m having with clients who are navigating a complex, rapidly changing business environment. This article aims to blend these pivotal studies, offering insights that are not just theoretical but also deeply rooted in the practical challenges and opportunities I discuss daily with business leaders.

The Interplay of Recruitment Challenges, DE&I, and Adaptive Leadership

Enhanced Executive Search Strategies: From Global Trends to Client Conversations

DE&I: At the Forefront of Talent Acquisition

Incorporating DE&I into Leadership Strategy: The growing focus on DE&I, a key discussion point with my clients, is strongly evidenced in both Boyden and EY studies. The fact that 63% of workers prioritise DE&I in their choice of company underscores its criticality in executive search and leadership development.

Reflecting on the Leadership Landscape

The insights from Boyden and EY deeply align with my professional experiences and the evolving needs of my clients. As we step into the future, it’s clear that the executive search landscape demands leaders who are not only skilled but also adaptive, empathetic, and committed to DE&I. This aligns with the multifaceted discussions I have with leaders who are reshaping the future of work. This article is more than a synthesis of two studies; it’s a reflection of the real-world leadership challenges and opportunities that I encounter every day in my role.

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