How can organisations thrive in a complex world of risk?
As they expand across multiple industries, big technology firms are starting to resemble industrial conglomerates, many of which are now restructuring.
As they strive to deliver on climate goals, companies are confronting a lack of sustainability skills and education, even among sustainability leaders.
As labor shortages persist, technologies such as robotics, drones and driverless trucks could help retailers, transportation and logistics firms move products.
Competition and sky-high margins are driving cloud giants up the stack, where they are redefining the cloud with specialization, software and analytics.
The use of robotics and other forms of automation in warehouses is projected to increase by 50% or more in the next five years as investment soars.
America’s healthcare industry is ripe for disruption, and Google parent company Alphabet is leading the charge in wearables, health records, AI and longevity.