Should you stay or should you go? Examine why you might want to make a career transition, what’s driving your decision, and assess the pros and cons.

Provided by BlueSteps Executive Career Service

If you’re currently employed, you may eventually come to the point in your career where you are interested in making a voluntary transition. Take some time to figure out why you want to make a career transition now and assess the pros and cons.

Some factors driving your decision might include:

When considering a voluntary career transition, it is also in your benefit to consider the reasons you might not want to make a move at this time. These might include economic, personal/family, and career management issues. No matter what your individual situation, it’s important to closely assess the negative consequences of leaving your current organization and decide if these outweigh the potential positives.


This article was provided by BlueSteps. BlueSteps is the executive career management service of the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC). Boyden is a member of AESC. AESC’s BlueSteps helps 100,000+ executives manage their careers, track their goals and elevate their visibility to the right search firms. Get started >

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