This interview with Elise Andström is the second in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

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With over 20 years of solid experience, Elise has seen the recruitment industry develop during the years. She has worked through the digitalization of the industry, understanding the importance of adapting to the new digital landscape. Elise is currently present as one of the board members for the Swedish event and award CEO of the Year. 

This interview with Elise Andström is the second in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

What attracted you to the recruitment industry?

Elise: I was attracted by the variation in the profession, the privilege of getting to know new organizations and new people, both clients and candidates. I like the challenge involved finding the right candidate for a company, taking into account not only the knowledge and experience of the candidates but also the goals and visions of the clients.

Understanding our client's company culture and way of working, as well as being able to describe this to the candidate, is important to get a good fit. It can sometimes be a challenge to describe these things in words, but with good examples of behaviors; “what to do” as well as “what not to do”, you can make it more tangible. A person could well do the right things is his/her job but go about it in the wrong way and this could cause a lot of unnecessary friction in an organisation. So, getting “the cultural fit” right is absolutely crucial to have a successful recruitment.

Over the years, long-term relationships have become more and more stimulating. For example, being able to work with a client for over 15-years has been fantastic, extremely exciting to follow the company through ups and downs!

How has the recruitment process changed since you started?

Elise: The biggest changes to the recruitment process, of course, is the impact of the Internet and social media. In 1996, I started working in executive search at the same time as the internet’s early development. As a consultant and researcher, you had to work much more with the sourcing of candidates through contacts.

The evolution of the Internet, LinkedIn, and other search process tools have significantly speeded up the search process especially for sourcing diverse candidates. Today, the process is much shorter, for example, it takes 4-weeks to present a final short-list of candidates to a client compared to 8-weeks.  

What is also an interesting change amongst clients today is looking for candidates from different industries. We see more and more clients who actually dare to hire candidates from other business areas.

What do you consider is the key to a successful recruitment process?

Elise: Understanding the culture and its challenges that the client will face in combination with market knowledge. But also dare to challenge your clients to think in other paths, outside the traditional boxes.

What topics are you most passionate about?

Elise: I am passionate about finding diverse candidates that might not be known in a particular industry or sector and tend to live under the radar. I strongly believe finding diverse candidates contribute to the development of an organization, especially placing women in Board and C-suite level positions and other operative positions.

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