By Georg Larch

From April 24 to 26, 2024, the Hilton Frankfurt City Centre hosted a pivotal gathering of restructuring experts from diverse fields. The conference, themed "Germany's Economy at a Crossroads," offered a platform for insightful discussions and strategic planning.

Day One: Parallel Forums

I attended the first day of the conference, which began with two parallel sessions:

The conference began with two parallel sessions:

Key Insights

1. Resilience Over Efficiency
In today's era of polycrisis, resilience has become a more critical corporate objective than efficiency. Companies need to prioritize adaptability and robustness to navigate multifaceted challenges effectively.

2. Essential Restructuring Experience
Having restructuring expertise within the management team is now indispensable. There's a growing debate on whether selective support is enough or if entire management teams are necessary to drive rapid and sustainable change in struggling companies.

3. The Real Estate Conundrum
The real estate sector, especially office spaces, will remain a significant focus in restructuring efforts. While demolition is sometimes the only viable solution for underutilized properties, prime real estate prices are rising. However, investing now is questionable given the shrinking workforce and low office occupancy rates. The empty office buildings visible from my hotel window starkly illustrate this dilemma.


For companies, the top priority should be transformation readiness with a clear objective: regaining resilience. This approach enables them to tackle even the most significant challenges. Interim management can serve as a powerful tool to achieve this goal, guiding companies through transitions and ensuring long-term stability.

This year's conference underscored the importance of resilience, experienced leadership, and strategic investment in navigating Germany's economic crossroads.

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