Boyden is a proven global resource for partners and practitioners of leadership calibre in the fields of consulting, law, tax, accounting and audit, as well as engineering and architecture.
Boyden’s Partners in the Professional Services Practice have extensive experience in consulting, and draw on vast networks and expertise to identify and recruit top consulting talent across sectors.
As organisations strive to navigate complex legal and regulatory terrain, Boyden provides the trusted expertise and leadership talent to overcome obstacles and achieve business objectives.
In a field where demand often outstrips supply, Boyden’s clients have an edge. We work with firms to meet specific leadership needs and provide global and local strategies.
Driving value and growth means aligning the board to the business. In an era of on-going activism, boards are under more pressure to deliver corporate results, maintain strong compliance and protect all stakeholders.
Il successo del mercato del private equity rende più spasmodica la ricerca di talenti in grado di diventare leader di società di portafoglio. Il nostro obiettivo è tutelare gli investimenti dei nostri clienti affidandoci a leader in grado di affrontare gli ostacoli in modo deciso, mettere in atto apposite strategie e bilanciare cautela e innovazione al fine di ottimizzare la performance.
Una leadership impeccabile in questo settore è un fattore strategico, in grado di ridefinire un'organizzazione e di trasformare la funzione HR.