This interview with Rickard Ericson is the fifth in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

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Highly regarded for his expertise in executive search and talent management, Rickard Ericson focuses on helping clients attain their business development goals through strategic recruitment. He has a particularly strong track record of searches for executives and senior managers in the financial, consumer and manufacturing sectors, including cross-border searches and interim engagements. This interview with Rickard Ericson is the fifth in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

What attracted you to the recruitment industry?

Rickard: As an executive search consultant, I have the opportunity to participate in the appointment of leaders who make a difference and create value over time for both employees and the company.

How do you develop and strengthen the relationship with candidates?

Rickard: I build a personal and trusting relationship with candidates and maintain close contact throughout the search process. It is also important to politely say ‘no’ to those who are not selected. I believe all candidates who participated in a search should have a positive experience.

What are your specializations and strengths in the recruitment industry?

Rickard: During my 15 years as an executive search consultant, I have worked extensively with assignments within industry. I am impressed by how a small country like Sweden has been able to develop such a large and internationally successful industrial sector.

It’s very exciting to be involved and adding skills to an industry which needs to continue developing. I have also worked extensively with assignments within the insurance industry, which in an interesting way offers a risk elimination that is necessary within both industry and private individuals.

What trends do you see in recruitment?

Rickard: More digital tools that affect the efficiency both within the recruitment process and client dialogue. Manager recruitment through search will continue to have a higher proportion of personal consultancy efforts than recruitment of more operational positions at a lower hierarchical level.

What are you passionate about?

Rickard: I am most passionate about sustainability in all dimensions; economic, social and environmental sustainability. I am convinced that it is not only possible but also necessary to combine economic growth and sustainability. Industrial transition to a sustainable world requires great financial resources and innovation, which can only be generated from successful and profitable companies.

Autres Article de blogs by Rickard Ericson

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