Message from the Managing Partner

We'd like to take this opportunity to take a step back and talk about Boyden as a whole, and the concept behind our unique structure. With over 75 offices spread across more than 45 countries, how do we maintain our unprecedented success?

By keeping our focus, and Boyden's top priority, on client service and great search professionals. Our priority is not shareholders, corporate managers and hierarchies. Rather, we have turned the hierarchy pyramid on its end, with our clients and their partners at the top, and all other systems developed to support them. The global community we have built allows all offices to share global perspectives, which can then be factored into local knowledge.

Boyden South Africa, from its Johannesburg office, fills a critical role in our worldwide network by covering the Sub Saharan African region. Operating in a wide variety of industries and services and with a thorough knowledge of the region, Boyden South Africa is both a business leader in Africa and a resource for all Boyden offices.

A gateway to Sub Saharan Africa, South Africa has an abundant supply of resources, well-developed financial, legal, communications, energy and transport sectors, and a stock exchange that ranks among the top twenty in the world. Sub Saharan Africa includes 51 countries south of a line drawn roughly from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east. Recently, there has been a significant influx of investment, across a wide range of industries, from various sources including governments and multinational companies due to many factors: increased political stability, significant concentrations of mineral and hydrocarbon wealth, the development of a critical mass of consumers, increased raw material demands globally, and a race to gain market share.

The Boyden South Africa office has been in operation for 16 years and offers a dynamic, informed, and high quality search service across this diverse region. The practice has extensive experience, spanning a range of functions and industries, serving multinational and local clients across this rapidly developing area.

We appreciate your time taken to explore our website. Whether you are a potential or current client, search professional looking to make a career change, or a candidate seeking a top-quality opportunity, Boyden has something to offer.

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