This interview with Peter Krenander is the third in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

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Peter Krenander has a strong background in management consulting and executive search, and has been entrusted with finding the right candidates for numerous mission-critical roles. He is motivated by the opportunity to make a difference, and strives to always contribute to the development of a client’s business when responsible for a recruitment process. 

This interview with Peter Krenander is the third in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

What attracted you to the recruitment industry?

Peter: A current colleague asked this question 10 years ago, and honestly, I refused to answer at first. I was back then line manager with result responsibility and felt that I should continue on that path. But after a while, and a little persuasion, I took the step to join the recruitment industry and I admit it is one of the most fun and best professional decisions I have made. I believe that my overall professional experience from my own strategic line responsibility together with my personal abilities and ambitions is an asset in the role as a recruitment consultant. I enjoy this professional position and I am firmly convinced that this is what I will do for the rest of my professional life.

What do you consider is the key to a successful recruitment process?

Peter: I believe that a successful recruitment process consists mainly of the following parts:

Firstly, as a recruitment consultant, it is important to have a very good understanding of the client's business, i.e. historical development, current status, external factors, where the business is heading and what challenges they may face. Also, an understanding of the circumstances and expectations of the relevant position to be able to understand what background, experience and personality a candidate must have in order to be successful in the position and company.

Secondly, understanding the industry as well as extensive networks of both potential candidates, and people who can provide leads on potential candidates. Furthermore, a relationship built on trust with the client is required, and as the responsible recruitment consultant, I also depend on my professional and dedicated colleagues at Boyden.

What are your specializations and strengths in the recruitment industry?

Peter: Before I became a recruitment consultant, I was a line manager with P/L responsibility for about 16 years, in a few different companies and industries. I have been headhunted several times to businesses I did not have any prior experience in, and I think one of my greatest strengths is a good analytical ability and ability to understand the context.

As a recruitment consultant, it is important to have a broad and deep understanding of the client’s business to understand what profile is required for the position we will recruit. I think my experiences and personal strengths have contributed to that ability. I also have a great interest in people and behaviors and like to think I am good at understanding different people's inherent ambitions as well as capabilities.

Which industries are you most knowledgeable about?

Peter: I have a long line background within Medtech / Healthcare and also the manufacturing industry. I became a recruitment consultant in 2009 and have primarily worked within these business areas. I thus have both understanding and an extensive network of potential candidates as well as sources providing leads to potential candidates, in these industries.

What are you passionate about?

Peter: I am motivated by the opportunity to make a difference. I feel a strong satisfaction when I have been responsible for the placement of a person I am convinced will contribute to the development of the client’s business. Furthermore, I have a positive outlook on life and also feel satisfaction when I manage to pass it on to others as well as contributing to a happy and good working climate.

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