Boyden is a top 10 global search firm by revenue and a leader in many of our markets internationally.
As an internationalboutique executive search firm we have real depth of expertise in core sectors and functions.
We are a truePartnership with a team-based culture and a Partner-led approach to delivering searches. We only undertake projects in which we believe we can excel. We are only as good as our last project.
We have a proventrack record of working with a diverse portfolio of client businesses from blue chip multinationals to smaller, sometimes owner-managed businesses. Every client is equally important to us.
We have the ability to access the very best candidates in the market, partly by virtue of our determination but also as a consequence of our size. We have fewer off-limits constraints which gives us better access to the total pool of talent.
We are second to none in evaluating what good looks like because we focus on particular types of appointment. We take time to understand what sorts of people are successful in each of our clients. We define a competencyframework for each project, which underpins our entire process from role description, interview and referencing.
We interact frequently with clients, reporting regularly on progress and continually seeking feedback.
We understand that in acting for our clients, we are their ambassadors and our actions and rigour of process are critical in this regard. We understand that treating candidates professionally throughout the process is critical.
We define solutions that deliver both against your immediate (interim) and longer-term leadership (search) needs.