This interview with Katarina Brixéus is the first in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

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Katarina Brixéus has over 12 years’ experience in executive search and draws on a significant background in senior management with a passion for gender quality in the workforce. This interview with Katarina Brixeus is the first in a series from #BoydenSweden exploring strengths, challenges, and passions as Managing Partner at Boyden Sweden.

What attracted you to the recruitment industry?

Katarina: I was attracted to working with people and leadership teams from different companies and environments. In my experience, I know that it is absolutely crucial that the right candidate is in the right place to achieve good results in an organization. Finding the right candidate for a client is a very challenging, exciting and overall rewarding experience. 

How has the recruitment process changed since you started?

Katarina: The recruitment process has changed significantly over the last decade. Today, it is even more necessary to adapt to the various needs of clients, who require faster processes and they often are more professional in their demands.

What are your specializations and strengths in the recruitment industry?

Katarina: I specialize in sectors where I have the most personal management experience. My background and experience working for consumer and retail companies has provided a good foundation for understanding the many challenges that may exist in those industries. I am a good listener and very responsive which means I am able to get an in-depth understanding of my client’s situation and needs. This ultimately helps give the candidate and a clearer and honest picture of the company and position. 

What trends do you see in recruitment?

Katarina: Today, international experience and background are often in demand, which means that we need to present candidates from several countries. Our global capabilities have become increasingly important to us, especially our ability to work "seamlessly" in the Nordic countries.

What topics are you most passionate about? 

Katarina: I am passionate about gender equality issues in the workforce, especially women's opportunities to pursue a career on equal terms and be equally represented at all board and managerial levels. It is extremely important to use the platform you have to influence recruiting decisions. We can discuss the matter with clients who are not yet actively working on the issue and we can assure that competent women who are not already "on the radar" for high-level positions will have an opportunity. This makes our work extra fun and meaningful!

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