Master Class Event Series, presented by IWF Toronto Chapter and Boyden
MASTER CLASS I: Navigating the World of Board Recruitment
In a live webinar held in June 2021, Boyden's Board recruitment experts, Michelle Richard and Ian Collyer explore the inner workings of the board recruitment process. Over the course of the session, they examine a wide spectrum of topics including types of boards, different methods of recruitment, how a board assesses its needs, how they determine candidate profile and selection criteria, and insights into the interview process. These insights serve towards the critical step of understanding how to approach a search for a board director position and how to align themselves as a board candidate.
The event also features a fireside chat with prominent board director, Michelle Savoy, a corporate director serving on the boards of Laurentian Bank of Canada (Chair of HR & Governance Committee), Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp (PZA-T), and Nav Canada (Chair of Governance Committee). In conversation with Michelle Richard, Michelle Savoy shares her experiences as a board candidate.
Watch the full session here:
About Board Journey 360o: Master Class Series
Board Journey 360o: Master Class Series is designed specifically for women leaders ready to step into their board director journey, exploring all elements from recruiting to service, and what’s beyond. The hybrid program developed in partnership by International Women's Forum Canada, Toronto Chapter, and Boyden, is comprised of a 4-part virtual workshop that includes live instruction, interactive discussion, breakouts, and multiple expert speakers across the board leadership spectrum.
Each master class focuses on a specific component of the journey, incorporating a versatile format into each session, all together providing a 360 perspective into the board journey. It is designed to allow for enrichment from experts and peer-to-peer discussions.
The live event series is exclusively available to IWF Canada, Toronto Chapter Members.